Friday 25 September 2015

Detailed Timeline of EPQ

·         Constantly update blog after every stage of the project
·         Keep a note of the sources I use
·         Make a note of anything which could affect  whether the source is reliable
·         Make a note of any hours spent reading or learning new skills
·         Keep in contact with my supervisor and find out what needs to be done and when to get high marks
·         Keep a bibliography of references used
End of September
·         Set up a plan and timeline of how I intend to complete my EPQ by the deadline
·         Research the topic area as a whole and narrow it down to a specific area, for example Gothic Literature in a certain time period
·         Write why I actually chose this subject, why I want to do it and how it interests or helps me in terms of university
·         Decide on whether it’s just going to vampires, or all mythical creatures
·         Come up with a specific task title, for example “Gothic Literature and culture: How have perceptions and the portrayal of the ‘supernatural’ changed from the 19th century to now?
·         Evaluate whether this project is feasible in this amount of time
·         Set up a blog in which I can constantly record any progress/actions I’ve achieved in my EPQ
·         Choose specific literature I am going to use as examples or read- for example The Twilight books, Dracula, Frankenstein etc. Also decide on whether I am going to include TV and film (The vampire diaries) and focus on gothic literature as a whole
·         Actually read certain literature and find examples/ information according to the task title
·         Watch films and/or TV series associated with gothic literature and gothic culture to gain inspiration and ideas
·         Make record of initial planning
·         Produce first draft of project proposal form
·         Continue reading certain Gothic literature
·         Find out who my supervisor is and make an appointment (someone who isn’t a specialist in the subject) for a meeting a.s.a.p.. At that meeting discuss intended theme.
·         Get a copy of the Assessment Criteria for the EPQ.
·         Look at sources of other’s work which is similar to my project and note/consider their views
·         Depending on task title; for example ‘how portrayals of the supernatural have changed?’- assess why, find personal views/ experiences etc.
·         Book a visit to a museum associated with gothic culture (mythical creatures) etc.
·         Create a timeline of gothic literature and note when it started to change, from when it was seen as a ‘scary’ genre in the Victorian era vs. a glamorised/ popular genre
·         Establish a target audience for my EPQ
·         Decide what’s the nature of my presentation
·         Outline the nature of any additional presentation evidence
·         Begin planning first draft of title question, this will be in the form of a 5000 word essay
·         Come to a conclusion for task title
·         Actually start first draft, find out areas of research of which I need to develop further
·         Once received feedback from first draft work on targets to achieve the highest marks
·         Editing and redrafting
·         Access any other material I need to complete my EPQ, for example certain books etc.
·         Begin to evaluate the references I used in bibliography
·         Preparation and rehearsal of oral presentation
·         Start final draft
·         Fully evaluate and conclude research and drafts
·         Begin to end final draft
·         Collect all work together and evaluate, identify areas in which I need to develop
·         Submit final draft
·         EPQ completed for deadline