Thursday 1 October 2015

Source 1 from Buzzfeed "13 Best Modern Gothic Novels"

"1. “Interview with the Vampire” (Anne Rice, 1976)
I don’t care that this book has become so popular it’s almost cliché. I honestly think this is the best Gothic novel to have been written in the last 50 years. And the influence of novel on vampire fiction, and indeed the Gothic subculture (which didn’t really even exist when the book was written), is undeniable. It tells the story of Louis’ transformation into a vampire, his slow adaptation to “life” as one of the undead, and his relationship with the many fascinating characters he meets including the charismatic Lestat and the complex vampire-child Claudia. Thanks to this novel, vampires took on a whole new character in the popular imagination – no longer mere stock monsters of horror, but exciting, romantic and sexy supernatural beings. Although the book could have easily slid into indulgence into debauchery and sensuality (much like “Lost Souls” does), it stays grounded in some serious discussions of morality, spirituality and society. To top it all off, the language is pristinely beautiful, and each episode of Louis’ life highly memorable. THE modern must-read Gothic novel (the other books in Rice’s “Vampire Chronicles” aren’t bad either)."


Trellia, "13 Great Modern Gothic Novels" Retrieved on: September 1st 2015

Initial Ideas for topic title

My initial topic theme was Gothic Literature, in particular vampires. What interested me about this subject is how much it has changed and developed over the years. The supernatural, ie. vampires, werewolves, warlocks etc., was a taboo subject, something in which evoked fear, however now it is something which is glamourised. An idea I've already got for a task tile is "Gothic literature and culture: How have perceptions and portrayal of the supernatural changed from then to now?" With more research I will choose a specific time period, after more thought I decided my topic was not only going to focus on Gothic Literature but rather 'Gothic Culture' as whole, therefore including TV programmes, films etc. as this is also relevant to my research. 

Initial Ideas

Friday 25 September 2015

Detailed Timeline of EPQ

·         Constantly update blog after every stage of the project
·         Keep a note of the sources I use
·         Make a note of anything which could affect  whether the source is reliable
·         Make a note of any hours spent reading or learning new skills
·         Keep in contact with my supervisor and find out what needs to be done and when to get high marks
·         Keep a bibliography of references used
End of September
·         Set up a plan and timeline of how I intend to complete my EPQ by the deadline
·         Research the topic area as a whole and narrow it down to a specific area, for example Gothic Literature in a certain time period
·         Write why I actually chose this subject, why I want to do it and how it interests or helps me in terms of university
·         Decide on whether it’s just going to vampires, or all mythical creatures
·         Come up with a specific task title, for example “Gothic Literature and culture: How have perceptions and the portrayal of the ‘supernatural’ changed from the 19th century to now?
·         Evaluate whether this project is feasible in this amount of time
·         Set up a blog in which I can constantly record any progress/actions I’ve achieved in my EPQ
·         Choose specific literature I am going to use as examples or read- for example The Twilight books, Dracula, Frankenstein etc. Also decide on whether I am going to include TV and film (The vampire diaries) and focus on gothic literature as a whole
·         Actually read certain literature and find examples/ information according to the task title
·         Watch films and/or TV series associated with gothic literature and gothic culture to gain inspiration and ideas
·         Make record of initial planning
·         Produce first draft of project proposal form
·         Continue reading certain Gothic literature
·         Find out who my supervisor is and make an appointment (someone who isn’t a specialist in the subject) for a meeting a.s.a.p.. At that meeting discuss intended theme.
·         Get a copy of the Assessment Criteria for the EPQ.
·         Look at sources of other’s work which is similar to my project and note/consider their views
·         Depending on task title; for example ‘how portrayals of the supernatural have changed?’- assess why, find personal views/ experiences etc.
·         Book a visit to a museum associated with gothic culture (mythical creatures) etc.
·         Create a timeline of gothic literature and note when it started to change, from when it was seen as a ‘scary’ genre in the Victorian era vs. a glamorised/ popular genre
·         Establish a target audience for my EPQ
·         Decide what’s the nature of my presentation
·         Outline the nature of any additional presentation evidence
·         Begin planning first draft of title question, this will be in the form of a 5000 word essay
·         Come to a conclusion for task title
·         Actually start first draft, find out areas of research of which I need to develop further
·         Once received feedback from first draft work on targets to achieve the highest marks
·         Editing and redrafting
·         Access any other material I need to complete my EPQ, for example certain books etc.
·         Begin to evaluate the references I used in bibliography
·         Preparation and rehearsal of oral presentation
·         Start final draft
·         Fully evaluate and conclude research and drafts
·         Begin to end final draft
·         Collect all work together and evaluate, identify areas in which I need to develop
·         Submit final draft
·         EPQ completed for deadline